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Speakers - After Dinner Actresses

We have a vast database of actresses that are available for events and after dinner speaking - whether live or virtual.

Price Codes


Over £20K

£10K to £20K

£5K to £10K

£3K to £5K

£1K to £3K


Contact for Price

Vicki Michelle.jpg

Vicki Michelle MBE

STEADMAN Alison 2.jpg

Alison Steadman OBE


Fay Ripley

SYAL Meera.jpg

Meera Syal CBE

Lesley Sharp.jpg

Lesley Sharp


Denise Van Outen

There is no denying the amount of excitement a high-profile celebrity from the world of stage and screen, will generate at any event, not only in terms of glamour, fun, sophistication and entertainment value but also promotion and publicity interest.

Our database has access to a vast array of multi-talented actresses and all highly experienced in the art of after dinner speaking in addition to their roles in film on stage and TV.

Your high-profile speaker will entertain through humour, intrigue, insight into their world and lives by story-telling, knowledge gained through experience and the legends they have worked with on their interesting life-path.

At Trading Faces we will work closely with you to ensure the best choice of actor or actress for your exact requirements from any specific genre whether it be classical, drama or comedy to those with expert knowledge and experience in a particular field.

Such is the extent of our database, we cannot list every celebrity available to us. Please contact us for a full list of Actresses to suit any budget available in a virtual or live capacity.

Can't find who you're looking for?

Contact Trading Faces for more suggestions.

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